วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Workout Routine: 20 Minutes to Slim

20 Minutes to Slim

The fat-burning routine I’ve created for you here has 10 moves, each of which you’ll do for 2 minutes. (You can use your cell phone or a stopwatch to keep tabs on time.) Do this workout three days a week and you could lose up to 5 pounds in just three weeks!

Warmup/Power March with Arm Firmer--A

March or jog in place, keeping your abs in tight, back straight, for 40 seconds.

Warmup/Power March with Arm Firmer--B

Keep marching as you pump and curl your arms toward shoulders (like a bicep curl) for 40 seconds.

Warmup/Power March with Arm Firmer--C

Continue marching and repeatedly press your arms behind you for 40 seconds.

Punches Down

Stand with right leg slightly bent, left leg extended to side with toe touching ground. With hands in fists, pull right elbow back toward ceiling and extend left arm down toward the ground. As you shift your weight to the left foot, bending left knee, pull left elbow back and up and punch right arm down. Continue alternating. Start out slowly but eventually work up so that you’re jumping and shifting weight from leg to leg in a continuous rhythm.

Punches Up

Start with weight on left leg, knee slightly bent, and right leg extended to the side. Reach right arm up and over to the left, keeping it in line with right leg. Bend left arm at a 90-degree angle, making a fist. Then jump so weight shifts to right foot, bending right leg and extending left leg, lifting left arm overhead. Keep moving from side to side.

Hamstring Curl--A

Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart in a squat position. Hold both arms straight out in front of you, hands clenched, palms facing down.

Hamstring Curl--B

Lift up out of the squat, pull elbows down to your sides and step to the right side as you lift the left leg off the floor behind you, bringing your heel to your rear. Return to squat position and repeat, this time lifting right leg. Keep alternating legs.

Double Punch

Start with weight on left leg, left knee slightly bent, arms bent by your sides so hands are at chest level, right leg straight out behind you. In one fluid motion, hop onto right leg, turning your body slightly to the right, punching arms straight up. Repeat punching as you alternate legs.

Lateral Jump

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Bend your knees and squat, elbows bent so your hands are at your chest. From the squat position, step about 2 to 3 feet to one side. Keep moving side-toside in a squat position, and try to leap (instead of stepping), lifting foot slightly off the floor.


Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and arms extended to the sides at shoulder height. As you twist your legs to the left, swing your arms to the right; as you twist legs to the right, swing arms to the left.

Front Leg Kick

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hands on hips, abs tight. Kick left leg up as high as you can, aiming for a 90- degree angle, toes pointing up. Keep shoulders back and upper body straight as you kick. Alternate sides.

Crossover Leg Kick

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hands at your sides. As you kick your left leg up, twist your body to the left, crossing arms over left leg. Then kick right leg up, crossing arms over right leg. Keep alternating sides.

Cooldown/Ab Tones--A

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Step left leg behind you, bending into a lunge. Bend your arms at your sides.

Cooldown/Ab Tones--B

Pump arms as you quickly lift your left leg up and down, bringing the knee to hip height. Repeat for 1 minute, then switch legs.

